TWENTYONE-Ology Concept Statment

Nature’s diverse collection of phenomena contribute toward shaping our terrain. While time is an abstract measure, we can still comprehend its passing as visual records that color our landscapes. As earth's surface continuously molds, we simultaneously impact these patterns. Visually constructing climatic, geologic, and geomorphic regimes, 21-ology celebrates unique qualities and embraces a lack of predictability. This zero waste collection is inspired by the culmination of transformative, organic processes governed by nature. The integration of sustainable electronics serves as a blissful reminder of our marks on the natural world.


This Collection began as a single look. The look was completed for my final Special Topics in Design course: Material Manipulation which turned into a collection about a week before Jury day for Art2Wear 2020. Jury day is held the 1st weekend of December. A blind panel judges the collection and determines who will walk down the runway come April. The requirements to participate include two completed looks presented with a mood board and concept statement. This collection is a collaboration with another graduate student, Ty Van De Zande. It will include his light up circuits and prints incorporated in my zero waste looks and surface design techniques.

Due to the pandemic, this collection has been postponed.